exercises much many, Angielski, Gramatyka, Ćwiczenia
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//-->MUCH AND MANYExercise 1:Decide whether you have to use much or many. Tick the correct answer.AMUCHAMUCHAMUCHAMUCHBMANYBMANYBMANYBMANYaaaaTEAFLOWERSMONEYFOODExercise 2:Choose whether to use MUCH or MANY in the sentences?1. My brother is very busy. He hasn't got2. There is too3. Howtime.noise in the street. I can't sleep.eggs do I need for an omelet.words in English?4. Does your student know5. Because of e-mails, people don't receive6. My mother always put too7. There haven't been8. I like that dress veryletters nowadays.salt when she cooks.sunny days lately..© W. B. F. L. -www.ispilledthebeans.com-MUCH AND MANYExercise 3:Decide whether you have to use much or many. Tick the correct answer.AMUCHAMUCHAMUCHAMUCHBMANYBMANYBMANYBMANYaaaaMICEINFORMATIONCHEESEWEBSITESExercise 4:Choose whether to use HOW MUCH or HOW MANY in the following questions? you weigh?does it cost to fly to America?brothers and sisters do you have?people did he invite to his birthday party ? your computer?mistakes did you make on the test?books did you borrow from the library ?water did they bring with them in the desert?9.10.photos did you take when you went to London?times a day do you brush your teeth?© W. B. F. L. -www.ispilledthebeans.com-
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