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//-->NIST Special Publication 1017-1User’s Guide for Smokeview Version 5- A Tool for Visualizing Fire DynamicsSimulation DataGlenn P. ForneyNIST Special Publication 1017-1User’s Guide for Smokeview Version 5- A Tool for Visualizing Fire DynamicsSimulation DataGlenn P. ForneyFire Research DivisionBuilding and Fire Research LaboratoryAugust 2007SV NRepository Revision: 738ARETMNTOFCOMMCERDEPDSTATESOFAMU.S. Department of CommerceCarlos M. Gutierrez, SecretaryNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyWilliam A. Jeffrey, DirectorERICAEUNITECertain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in thisdocument in order to describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately. Suchidentification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by theNational Institute of Standards and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that theentities, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose.National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1017-1Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. 1017-1, 134 pages (August 2007)CODEN: NSPUE2U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEWASHINGTON: 2007For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing OfficeInternet: bookstore.gpo.gov – Phone: (202) 512-1800 – Fax: (202) 512-2250Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001PrefaceSmokeview is a software tool designed to visualize numerical calculations generated by fire models such asthe Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of fire-driven fluid flowor CFAST, a zone fire model. Smokeview visualizes smoke and other attributes of the fire using traditionalscientific methods such as displaying tracer particle flow, 2D or 3D shaded contours of gas flow data suchas temperature and flow vectors showing flow direction and magnitude. Smokeview also visualizes fireattributes realistically so that one canexperiencethe fire. This is done by displaying a series of partiallytransparent planes where the transparencies in each plane (at each grid node) are determined from sootdensities computed by FDS. Smokeview also visualizes static data at particular times again using 2D or 3Dcontours of data such as temperature and flow vectors showing flow direction and magnitude.Smokeview and associated documentation for Windows, Linux and Mac/OSX may be downloaded fromthe web siteat no cost.i
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