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//-->KOD UCZNIAKONKURS JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGODLA UCZNIÓW GIMNAZJÓWI ETAP SZKOLNY19 października 2012WaŜne informacje:1. Masz 60 minut na rozwiązanie wszystkich zadań.2. Pisz długopisem lub piórem, nie uŜywaj ołówka ani korektora. JeŜeli się pomylisz,przekreśl błąd i napisz ponownie.3. Pisz czytelnie i zamieszczaj odpowiedzi w miejscu na to przeznaczonym. Pamiętaj, Ŝezapisy w brudnopisie nie podlegają ocenie.śyczymy powodzenia!Maksymalna liczba punktówUzyskana liczba punktówPodpis osoby sprawdzającej40100%%Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap szkolnyZadanie 1.Przeczytaj poniŜszy tekst. W pierwszej części zadania zdecyduj i zaznacz w tabeli, którezdania (1-3) są prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE). Następnie odpowiedz napytania 4. i 5.PaintballingIf you're looking for a thrilling day out with heart-stopping action, unlimited enjoyment andunbelievable features then paintballing has it all.Paintballing is a very popular leisure activity for parties, team-building exercises andcompetitions. There is a wide choice of paintballing venues in both urban and rural areas,each with their own unique features.Many paintballing sites also include special features such as landrovers, shot-down planes,bunkers, houses, castles etc. to transform the landscape into a battlefield. This creates theatmosphere of a real life scenario.Many people think that being hit by paintballs hurts and it ruins the fun of the day, but it’s allpart of the experience and when your body is full of adrenalin you barely feel the impact.The only drawback to paintballing is the cost of the paintballs themselves as most companiesonly allow you to purchase their paintballs on site and if you're firing over 100 times permatch on a day with 10 matches at £6 per 100 balls, you're looking at spending over £50 perperson. However, paintballing is well worth the money.TRUE1.2.3.Paintballing is a good activity to develop social skills.Paintballing sites all look similar.While paintballing you hardly suffer any pain.FALSE4.What makes paintballing venues realistic? …………………………..………………………5.What is the main disadvantage of paintballing? …………………………………….……2Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap szkolnyZadanie 2.Przeczytaj poniŜszy tekst. Do kaŜdego akapitu (1.–5.) dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A–F).Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru kaŜdego akapitu. Jeden nagłówek został podanydodatkowo i nie pasuje do Ŝadnego akapitu.It's never too late to learn how to play chess!If you want to learn something about the most popular game in the world, read on!1. _____The origins of chess are not exactly clear, but most people believe that the game evolved fromearlier chess-like games played in India almost two thousand years ago.2. _____Two opponents play on opposite sides of a board containing 64 squaresof alternating colours. Each player has 16 pieces, which are white (or light) and black (ordark).3. _____The aim of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king. Checkmate happens when the kingis in a position to be captured and cannot escape.4. _____At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out – each player has a white (or light)square in the bottom right-hand corner. The pieces are then arranged. The player with thewhite pieces always moves first.5. _____Knowing the rules and basic strategies is only the beginning - there is so much to learn inchess that you can never learn it all in a lifetime! To improve you need to do three things:play, study and have fun.A. How the chess pieces moveB. The start of the gameC. Getting betterD. The history of chessE. Chess equipmentF. The goal/objective3Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap szkolnyZadanie 3.Przyporządkuj do kaŜdej wypowiedzi (1-5) jedną z podanych reakcji (A-F). Jednareakcja podana została dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Ŝadnej wypowiedzi.1.Jerry, could you show me how to hold the racket?2.What does ‘keep your eye on the ball’ stand for?3.Do you think he can be a good player?4.What do you think about taking up tennis?5.Why was Ronaldo’s second goal disallowed?A.Unfortunately he was offside.B.Hold your hand out as though you were going to shake my hand.C.It means you have to watch the ball carefully.D.Sure, with a bit of practice, he'll be able to keep the ball in the court.E.But he really was running outside his lane.F.Why don’t we start right now?12345Zadanie 4.Uzupełnij poniŜsze mini-dialogi (1.- 5.), wybierając spośród podanych odpowiedzibrakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.1.I can’t believe that you managed to finish the marathon!A.B.C.I got a second wind after I saw my girlfriend.It was a difficult decision but I gave up running.Believe me, marathons are for losers!2.I’m very nervous. Wish me luck.A.B.C.If I were in your shoes, I would always play fair.Give it your best shot and you may just make it to the finals.Remember that playing truant is not a solution.4Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap szkolny3.Was it a hard game?A.We won hands down.B.You hold all the cards.C.The game is up.4.You're skating on thin ice. Don’t do this anymore.A.I’m not into ice skating.B.But I like bungee jumping.C.I don’t enjoy risky sports.5.Do you practise any sport?A.Being active is a great way to improve your health and well-being.B.I’m a couch potato – I watch it instead of taking part in it.C.Competitive people irritate me but I admire them at the same time.Zadanie 5.Zadaj pytanie o podkreśloną część zdania.1.Mark has been playing basketball for five hours.…………………………………………………………………………..…..…?2.Susan likes to go jogging in the evening.………………………………………………………….…………..………….?3.Mr. Smith has been a tour guide since 1999.…………………………………………………………………………….……?4.Tom’s parents were playing badminton when he was doing his homework.…………………………………………………………………………………..?5.Ben and his sister were allowed to camp in the mountains.…………………………………………………………………………………..?Zadanie 6.Przeczytaj pary zdań (1–5). Uzupełnij kaŜdą lukę, tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdaniawyjściowego.1.I think you should take up jogging.If …………………………..…………….. take up jogging.5
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