Fanzine - Green Devil Face #04, RPG, LotFP

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//-->Green Devil Face#4IntroductionBy James Edward Raggi IVThis is a PDF product. For a table of contents, use the bookmarks provided. They’re handy!Cover art “Coat of Arms with a Skull” by Albrecht DürerAll material is copyright 2010 James Edward Raggi IV, except for the following:Shaggy Dog, Shrieker Stew, and Pool of Testing copyright 2010 Jonathan BeckerThe Tomb to Die For/In copyright 2010 R. Lawrence BlakeThe Child and The Chamber and the Glass Box copyright 2010 Zak SabbathThe Sneaky Book Room copyright 2010 James Brian MurphyThe Room of Four Pits copyright 2010 Ramsey DowLotFP and Lamentations of the Flame Princess are trademarks owned by James Edward RaggiIV.Lamentations of the Flame Princess1Knights of ScienceBy James Edward Raggi IVLevelXPHD*11d822,0002d834,0003d848,0004d8516,0005d8632,0006d864,0007d878128,0008d89256,0009d8+ 128,000/lvl+3/lvl**10 +* d10 hit dice for advanced edition games** Constitution modifiers no longer applyTitleSquireSquireSquireSquireKnight of ScienceKnight of ScienceKnight of ScienceKnight of ScienceKnight of ScienceKnight of ScienceThe Knights of Science are a fanatical, sepa- by a Cleric of no less than level 5 (althoughratist religious order dedicated to the eradica- always of lower level than the Knight if theKnight is above level 5) and ten Men-At-Arms,tion of chaos and evil in the world.level 0 Fighters.Knights are immune to sleep, charm, hold, orcold spells, and to all fear effects. Knights are The Knights wear plate mail, shields, andable to hit creatures which are only able to be swords. The Cleric wears nothing but a simpleaffected by magic or other special weapons. robe and carries nothing but a plain staff. TheKnights gain a minimum of six hit points per Men-At-Arms wear chain mail and carrylevel. Knights gain experience only from pole-arms. The Knights and Cleric are mount-slaying their foes and burning the foes' equip- ed, the Knight on the greatest sort of warhorsement and treasure, and for this the Knight available, the Squire on a lesser warhorse, thereceives XP according to the value of the Cleric on a riding horse meant for speed. Theburned items. Knights do not use magic items. Men-At-Arms go on foot, carrying the suppliesof the whole troupe.In all ways not described here, Knights shouldAll of a Knight's special powers are dependentbe considered the same as Fighters.on his unwavering belief in himself. Should heKnights invariably travel with an entourage. A ever change his mind, on any matter no matterfull Knight is one of level 5 or greater, and he how trivial or important, or if he engages inwill be accompanied by a Squire. A Squire is sexual activity, or if he flees from combat, hea Knight of level 4 or lower, and is completely loses all Knightly abilities, and new hit pointssubservient to his master. This group is joined must immediately be rolled. Any current2damage is subtracted from the new hit point One does not choose to be a Knight. Youngamount.boys, no older than seven, are taken from theirfamilies and brought to the Knights' monastery,They do not ignore new information that is located somewhere in the East. What happensobviously correct (they are allowed to change to the boys is not exactly known, but from thetheir opinion if that opinion is based on a lie statements of some Knights it would appeartold to them); they simply contort their world- that the boys are subjected to religious brain-view so that both their old assumption and the washing and severe martial truth are correct. If they can not make thisreconciliation, they must assume that new At the age of sixteen, the boys are assigned toinformation that invalidates their old viewpoint military duty at the monastery, and at firstis evil and must be destroyed. That innocents opportunity are assigned to a Knight's entou-are harmed by this behavior is of no conse- rage as a Man-At-Arms. If he survives fivequence to them. Due to "always being right," years of this duty (many do not, not leastKnights also quickly learn to be quick to because the Cleric in the troupe also monitorsjudgment. Knights are quite insane.them for wavering beliefs), he becomes eligibleto be a Squire. The potential Squire is sent outIt is for this reason that Knights very rarely to the mountains around the monastery to livemeet, and if they do they do not converse, for the life of a hermit, with no provisions, and noKnights often have widely varying experiences tools. If he is still alive when it is his turn afterthat lead them to different conclusions, and a Squire position becomes free, he is outfittedmore than one meeting of Knights has led to and assigned to a Knight.mortal combat over a minor issue. Knights arealso quite ignorant about worldly affairs, as When a Squire rises to fifth level, he becomesthey do not read and do not engage in normal a fully ranked Knight of Science, and isconversation with anyone. Knights do not seek assigned a Squire, Cleric, and Men-At-Armsmore contradictions they must reconcile.of his own, free to incidentally terrorize theworld as he quests to save it. It is a systemThe Clerics that travel with the Knights are the which has survived beyond memory, from thepublic faces of the troupe. They speak with time that the Order of the Knights of Sciencelocals and make all arrangements so the was first established to combat the Duvan'Ku.Knights are not subjected to an opposingviewpoint by pure chance. Many believe this Few stand up to the Knights, preferring tois why each Knight has an attached Cleric, but cower and watch by as they burn and slaughterthis is simply a secondary function. The Cleric in hopes that they quickly move on, for fear ofis there to monitor the Knight, and if he falters a Crusade being called. The only ones quickerand loses his power it is the Cleric's duty to to shudder at the name of the Knights thanarrange for the Knight's execution at the first commoners and petty nobles are those forcesavailable opportunity.demonic and otherworldly, who know that theKnights represent a foe they can never corrupt.3The TowerBy James Edward Raggi IVSome easy money, or perhaps a deathtrapmasquerading as an adventure, for those whosuffer the delusion that all adventure locationsare meant to be solved. For first or second levelcharacters.The EnvironsThe tower is located in the middle of thewoods, about a day’s journey from any sort ofcivilization. Around the tower is a clearing; thewoods suddenly break into an idyllic, tranquilfield. Somehow it always seems to be breath-taking here, either with strong sunlit raysbreaking through dark clouds, scanning theground like celestial spotlights, or there is asoft rain through gentle sunlight, formingrainbows. Butterflies flutter everywhere, andon the opposite side of the clearing from wherethe characters approach, deer and fluffybunnies leap away as the intruders near.Around the base of the tower are dense, thorn-less rose bushes,with thousands of bright redroses in full bloom at all times.The tower itself is a massive structure, fullyfifty feet wide, with impressively thick walls.They’d better be impressively thick – they lookto be in utter shambles, with large chunkshaving fallen to the ground over the centuriesand vines growing all over the structure. Thetower is made of some sort of rock that no onewill be able to identify – it is vaguely bluish-grey with speckles of reflective crystals thatmake the entire structure shimmer in the sun-light. In fact, until it is approached, the thingmight not look like a solid physical constructat all. The tower has a conical, closed roof and4the only real breaks in the wall are the door atground level, and a solitary window near thetop.Guarding the door of the tower is a greatmisshapenthing.It is roughly human-shaped,approximately ten feet tall, with gigantic talonsand a giant sharp-toothed maw. However, it isan ancient creature which is quite weary of itsduty, broken in body and spirit, and completelyineffectual in a fight. It will engage any intrud-er, but will not pursue beyond the clearing.Guardian: Unarmored, Move 1.25 times thespeed of an unencumbered man, HD 10, HP54, #AT 1 claw, D 1d4, immune to normalmissiles, if killed will rise again at sunset thenext day, the sarcophagus on level four mustbe blessed to prevent this.The tower has five levels, with the windowbeing on the fifth level.The DoorThe tower’s door appears to be made of veryheavy, sturdy warped wood. With rusty ironbanding. There is a very ornate lock on thedoor. It is actually a strange shape-shiftingcreature which mimics the appearance of adoor. It will attack, with pseudopods, anyonewho touches the door, unless theKey of Loveis placed in the lock, in which case it willremain as a door. The creature has beencharmed to behave this way, and if this charmis dispelled for some reason, it will attack evenif the key is used. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]


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