Fansadox Collection 17 - Slave owner's club(1), Download, - ▧ Normalne, ● BDSM magasines

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We Are delighted
you Were Able to
come, generAl.
Summer 2003. An old mAnSion in remote
countrySide in eASt europe.
i muSt congrAtulAte you on your
mAgnificent femAle eScort.
perhApS you Would cAre to
tell uS hoW thiS delightful
young creAture cAme into
your hAndS…
it Will be my pleASure. i
met her And her mother
A feW monthS Ago...
hey, you, White Slut,
keep Sucking!!!
noiSy, the WAy your
mASter likeS it!!!
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
i’ve hAd enough, mom.
i WAnnA go home noW.
me too. your bloody
fAther And hiS buSineSS
deAlS With Stinking blAckS!
count me out. it’S the
lASt time i’m coming With
you. JeSuS chriSt, do
theSe guyS ever WASh?
don’t! it mAkeS
my fleSh creep!
do you think i like
coming to thiS
blAck pig Sty, kid.
And hAve you Seen
hoW they look At
uS? it turnS my
StomAch over!
cAn you imAgine
one of theSe guyS
touching you?
thAt’S All We needed, A checkpoint!
get out,
don’t you rAiSe
your voice to me,
you blAck bAStArd!
WhAt you Women
doing here? thiS
iS A militAry zone!!!
WhAt... WhAt’re
you doing?
d’you knoW Who
you’re tAlking
to, dumbnutS?
you too, move
your White ASS!
my huSbAnd Will
hAve you Shot!
mmmm... never
SAW A tit AS
White AS thAt!
huSbAnd? i cAn’t
See no huSbAnd,
White Slut!
AAAAh! hAndS off,
you blAck Jerk!
you’re A hot
piece for A White!
Smell good too...
let me go!!!
i bet your ASShole
SmellS like roSeS!
open your mouth,
you Wet Slut. ever
kiSS A blAck mAn?
Aghhhhh.... you’re
choking me…
AlWAyS Wondered WhAt
color A White WomAn’S
piSShole iS... hA! hA! hA!
mmmm.... you
tASte good,
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