english05- Medycyna komórkowa, NASZE ZDROWIE, MEDYCYNA KOMÓRKOWA

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Make Health - Not War!
The war against Iraq has just started and there is
already a winner: the people of the World. Over the
past weeks we have informed the people in America
and the rest of the World about the background of
this war and its main corporate benefactor - the
pharmaceutical industry.
sure by the United States and British administra-
tions, denying them any mandate and any support
by international law for their war.
Now, the war led by the Bush and Blair adminis-
trations can no longer reach its primary political
and economic goal - that is to impose the monopoly
of the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical invest-
ment business with disease on the people of this
planet for generations to come.
This information was first published in ‘The New
York Times’, in the city where political leaders had
congregated at the United Nations over the recent
months like rarely before in history. International
tension and the escalation to war created a climate
where the information about the pharmaceutical
industry as the main benefactor of the ‘war against
terrorism’ spread like a bush fire.
As the scientist whose discoveries enable us to con-
trol today’s most common diseases by natural
means and having unmasked the corporate bene-
factors behind the current war, I consider it my
responsibility to issue a call to the people and the
political leaders of the world to immediately start
building a ‘World without Disease’!

One day there may even be wars just to prevent your
breakthrough from being widely accepted," said two-time
Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling shortly before his death in
1994 to Dr. Rath.
The global spread of this information was also an
important reason why small countries in the
Security Council - unexpectedly - resisted the pres-
Call to Action to the Heads of States and the People of the World
Health for All by the Year 2020
Mankind now has an unique opportunity to
liberate itself from today's most common dis-
In summary, today’s most common diseases can
now be largely eradicated by natural therapies,
thereby improving human health globally and ter-
minating the pharmaceutical investment business
with disease.
The World Health Organization was founded
more than 50 years ago to promote health on a
global level. A first focus was to improve health
through nutrition, including micronutrients.
Within two decades the influence of the pharma-
ceutical cartel had shifted this focus. By abusing
the WHO and other UN organizations (e.g.
‘Codex Alimentarius’) this industry is trying to
impose global protection laws to protect and pro-
mote the pharmaceutical investment business with
patented drugs from being eliminated by mostly
superior, but non-patentable natural therapies.
Cardiovascular disease
has been identified as
the result of a structural impairment of the
blood vessel wall similar to the sailor's disease
scurvy. Optimum supply of vitamin C and
other micronutrients that stimulate the produc-
tion of collagen - the vascular reinforcement
molecules - is an effective, safe and affordable
way to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Thus,
the number one cause of death in the industri-
alized world today can largely be eradicated in
this and future generations.
At the beginning of the 21st century mankind
wakes up to a nightmare. A hundred years ago the
Rockefeller Group, already controlling the global
oil business at that time, defined another global
investment market: the human body and the dis-
eases it hosts.
The return on their investment became dependent
on the patentability of drugs and the respective
patent royalties. Under the umbrella of ‘philanthro-
py' and ‘benefactors to mankind’ the greatest
deception in the history of mankind was strategi-
cally developed.
As the direct result of this silent ‘take over’ of
control of global health care by the pharmaceuti-
cal industry during the past century, hundreds of
millions of people have died from diseases that
could have vanished long ago - if not for the
multi-trillion-dollar pharmaceutical investment
‘business with disease’. Today, more than two bil-
lion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies
in the developing world alone. Thus, all of us
must now work towards building a new world
health organization that liberates us from today's
most common diseases.
Global implementation of this scientific know-
ledge will save millions of lives, billions in
health care dollars and eliminate the trillion-
dollar pharmaceutical business with cardiovas-
cular disease.
High blood pressure, heart failure, irregular
heart beat, and diabetic circulatory prob-
are primarily the result of long-term
micronutrient deficiencies impairing the func-
tion of millions of cells that compose the heart
muscle and the blood vessel walls.
Global implementation of this scientific break-
through will save millions of lives, billions in
health care dollars and eliminate the trillion
dollar pharmaceutical business with these dis-
Health is a basic human right. We, the people of
the earth will not allow this right to be withheld
from us any longer. We will not rest until the right
to health - particularly the unrestricted access to
natural therapies - has become a human right for
all people of the world, guaranteed by national
and international constitutions.
, the second most frequent cause of
death in the industrialized world is no longer a
death verdict. All cancer cells spread by using
the same mechanism. They produce massive
amounts of collagen-digesting enzymes capa-
ble of paving their way through the human
body during cancer spread.
Every country that focuses its health care sys-
tem on effective, natural, non-patentable
health approaches is an important step
towards a healthier and more peaceful world.
You can follow the liberation of mankind from
the yoke of the pharmaceutical ‘investment
business with disease’ on the Website of our
I call upon every person on earth:
No matter
where you live and what you do you should start
building this new world right now! Every living
room, every doctor’s office or hospital, every
school, university, community center, every edu-
cation text book or movie that promotes natural
health is a first step towards creating a healthier
world. By constructing this new world we not
only eliminate entire diseases but also release bil-
lions of dollars in funds that are currently wasted
for promoting disease and destruction.
Effective, safe and affordable micronutrients
such as the amino acid lysine, vitamin C and
other specific nutrients block these enzymes
and thereby impede cancer disease without any
side effects.
Millions of patients were promised a ‘cure’ for
their health problems, but the vast majority of the
‘remedies’ sold had no proven efficacy, at best
they covered symptoms. By triggering an epidem-
ic of new diseases from drug side-effects, these
deceptive products constantly expanded the ‘dis-
ease market’.
Global implementation of this scientific break-
through will save millions of lives, billions in
health care dollars and eliminate the trillion
dollar pharmaceutical business with cancer.
I call upon the political leaders
to implement
natural health as the basis of a prevention-orient-
ed national health care policy. Now that this sci-
entific knowledge is available around the world,
you must use it to improve the health of your
people. Every country that redirects its health
care towards natural health is a quantum leap
forward towards a common goal: Health for All
by the Year 2020.
Infectious diseases, AIDS and other epi-
are the leading cause of death in the
developing world. B-vitamins and other essen-
tial nutrients regulate the production of white
blood cells and optimize immune system func-
tion in the fight against tuberculosis and other
epidemics. Moreover, vitamin C alone has been
shown to reduce the multiplication of the AIDS
virus to less than 1% of its normal rate. This
simple vitamin is more effective than any com-
bination of expensive pharmaceutical drugs.
A strategic precondition for this new market was
the elimination of ‘competition’ from effective
natural therapies. The basic knowledge about the
essential nutrients required for optimum cellular
metabolism was systematically eliminated from
medical schools, the textbooks of medicine and
from the minds of generations of doctors.
There is no time to be lost!
Over several decades the pharmaceutical business
with disease became the largest investment indus-
try on planet earth. The huge profits were used to
gain influence in all areas of society, including
science, medicine, media and politics. Even the
largest international bodies did not resist its influ-
Global implementation of this scientific break-
through will save millions of lives, billions in
health care dollars and eliminate the trillion
dollar pharmaceutical business with AIDS and
other infectious diseases.
“You have the choice to live in today’s world of disease and war.
Or you can help build a world of health and peace. For this new world you need to stand up!”
Matthias Rath, M.D.
More Information: www.dr-rath-foundation.org
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