english03- Medycyna komórkowa, zdrowie, MEDYCYNA KOMÓRKOWA

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To Sacrifice Health and Peace
Open Letter by Matthias Rath, M.D.
to the American People and to the People of the World!
“As the physician and scientist who was privileged to contribute discoveries that make the
eradication of cardiovascular disease by natural means possible and save millions of lives
I raised my concerns in an Open Letter published in the New York Times on February 28.
I raise my voice once again on behalf of millions of people who are deprived of life saving
natural health information, which threatens the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical
investment business of patented drugs.
Dr. Matthias Rath is the physician and scientist who led
the breakthrough in the natural treatment of cardiovas-
cular disease and cancer. He is a member of the New
York Academy of Sciences and other renowned scientif-
ic organizations. 10 years ago, the late Dr. Linus
Pauling, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and
Peace stated: "Your discoveries are so important for
millions of people that they threaten entire industries.
One day there may even be wars just to prevent this
breakthrough from being widely accepted. This is the
time, when you need to stand up!" - This time is now!
My Open Letter published in the New York Times
one week ago revealed for the first time:
Unbeknown to most people, the very same indus-
try has been leading another war for decades.
According to the
Journal of the American Medical
Association (
April 15, 1998) in this ‘war’ every
year more than 100,000 people die and more than
1,500,000 are hospitalized from the side effects of
harmful prescription drugs.

The largest corporate benefactor
of the
September 11 tragedy was the multi-trillion dol-
lar pharmaceutical industry. In August 2001
Bayer’s Baycol scandal was the beginning of a
‘domino effect’ threatening the survival of this
entire investment industry. Similarly to the
tobacco industry, individuals and governments
were beginning to sue drug companies for bil-
lions in damages. After September 11, all media
attention shifted away.
In this ‘war at home’ people are harmed in several
ways. They are promised ‘health’ but they receive
drugs that do not cure, only cover symptoms.
Moreover, millions of patients and entire
economies are financially ruined for the sake of the
huge profit margins of this investment industry. All
of this is no surprise, because the continued exis-
tence of diseases and their expansion is a precon-
dition for further growth of the drug industry.
Prevention and eradication of diseases undermines
the investment nature of this business.
Mankind is currently going through one of the
greatest advances in its history. Two out of three of
today’s diseases can largely be eradicated if the sci-
entific knowledge currently available in the area of
health is implemented in
any health care system.

The close connection
between the pharmaceuti-
cal/petrochemical industry as the single largest
donors for the election campaigns of George Bush
and his all out efforts to protect and promote the
interests of this investment industry.
Over 400 years ago, a similar quantum leap took
place in history. During medieval times 80% of the
people living in Europe were illiterate. The inven-
tion of the printing press together with the translation
of the bible into spoken languages allowed millions
of common people to learn to read and write.
Only 24 hours after my previous Open Letter was pub-
lished in the
New York Times
on February 28, the ‘master
mind’ behind ‘September 11’ was presented to a stunned
global audience. After entire armies had searched for him
for one and a half years, he was found while asleep in an
apartment in Pakistan. - Is this a coincidence?

The main agenda
behind the war escalation is to
regain control by the pharmaceutical industry and
establish its long-term global monopoly for the
“investment business with disease”. This can only be
achieved by eliminating civil rights - including free-
dom of information and free access to natural health.
Wars - especially the use of weapons of mass destruc-
tion - can accomplish all that.
With its current 400 billion dollar ‘Medicare’ plan,
the Bush Administration is making further conces-
sions to the pharmaceutical ‘investment business
with disease’ at the expense of millions of patients.
The cornerstones of a new patient-oriented, effec-
tive and affordable health care are available:
Effective, Safe and Affordable Health Care
for the American People and the People of the World
Prevention and Eradication of
optimum lifelong supply of these nutrients.
The application of this basic knowledge will
decrease the incidence of today’s most com-
mon health problems such as heart attack,
stroke, cancer and many other diseases to a
fraction of their current rates.
lular deficiencies in essential nutrients. The
introduction of comprehensive natural health
research programs as part of public health
policies would greatly accelerate the elimina-
tion of diseases.
Knowledge was power and the rulers at that time did
not want to share their power with the people. They
wanted to preserve their feudal economic privileges
and met the ‘liberation from illiteracy’ with utmost
brutality. In the ‘30-Year War’ (1618-1648) they
destroyed half of Europe and killed millions of peo-
ple in an attempt to bring back Medieval Times. All
was in vain because the people no longer wanted to
live in illiteracy and dependency.
Eighty percent of pharmaceutical drugs cur-
rently prescribed to patients have no proven
efficacy - at the very best, they alleviate
symptoms without addressing the root cause
of the disease. Future health care systems will
focus on prevention, treatment of root causes
and eventually the eradication of diseases.
Implementation of the Scientific
Cellular Health Principle #3 –
Principles of Cellular Health.
Each year, millions of people world wide die
from diseases that can be prevented and con-
trolled by natural means. The implementation
of the scientific principles of Cellular Health
into healthcare policies will save millions of
lives and billions of dollars in public and pri-
vate funds. These dollars could then be used
to also address other basic needs of society.
The stability of the skeletal system and our
teeth is determined by the optimum produc-
tion of collagen molecules (facilitated by
vitamin C, lysine, and proline) and the prop-
er introduction of essential minerals (such as
calcium and magnesium) and trace elements.
The systematic implementation of this
knowledge will largely prevent widespread
diseases such as osteoporosis (bones), caries
(teeth), and peridontosis (gums).
Healthy Body Cells Are a
Precondition of Good Health.
Today we are facing a ‘liberation’ of similar magni-
tude - but global in its scope.The possibility to liber-
ate mankind from cardiovascular disease, cancer and
many other diseases by natural, non-patentable
means threatens the very existence of the multi-tril-
lion dollar pharmaceutical investment industry.
Health and disease in the human body are
determined at the level of cells. The main
cause of cellular dysfunction is the insuffi-
cient intake of micronutrients essential for
optimum cellular metabolism and their opti-
mum daily intake is a precondition for health.
This new understanding of Cellular Health
can be summarized in three principles:
Elect Politicians Who Defend the
As we are all witnessing, today’s ‘economic rulers’
are not willing to give up their economic privileges
voluntarily. Just as they did 400 years ago they are
willing to sacrifice the lives of thousands, even
millions of people in their own decline.
Politicians who continue to support legisla-
tion that restricts the dissemination of natural
health information endanger the health and
lives of the people who elected them.
Politicians who continue to obstruct natural
health rather than support it will be held
accountable. All governments have a respon-
sibility to protect the lives of their citizens
and promote effective, safe and cost saving
health measures in their countries.
Independent Health Information
Cellular Health Principle #1:
Optimum Supply of Cell Energy.
Although we are at the beginning of the third
millennium, it is still a little-known fact that
the human body does not produce vitamin C or
lysine, two key nutrients in determining
human health and disease. This is the result of
the pharmaceutical industry’s ongoing efforts
to suppress this information. The dissemina-
tion of basic health information and the imple-
mentation of health education from childhood
to advanced age is the foundation of the new
health care system.
Essential nutrients are required for maintain-
ing cellular energy metabolism. An optimum
supply of these nutrients is a prerequisite for
the prevention of irregular heartbeat (energy
deficiency in myocardial cells responsible for
regular heartbeat), heart failure (energy defi-
ciency in myocardial cells responsible for
contraction of the heart muscle and blood
pumping), and similar conditions.
Industry’s ‘Business With
Disease,’ Not the Dissemination of
Natural Health Information.
Cellular Health Principle #2 –
Comprehensive Research in
To protect their billion-dollar market with
largely ineffective drugs, pharmaceutical
companies are trying to fight off their fiercest
competition: effective, safe, and affordable
essential nutrients. To that effect, the pharma-
ceutical lobby has been abusing the United
Nation’s “Codex Alimentarius” (Food
Standard) Commission and many other
national and international political bodies.
Maintaining and expanding diseases, as the
basis for the growth of the investment ‘busi-
ness with disease,’ will be prohibited by law.
Approximately one half of the body’s pro-
teins are composed of collagen, elastin, and
other connective tissue molecules. Their pro-
duction is regulated by vitamin C, and the
amino acids lysine and proline, which are the
main building blocks of these proteins. The
human body does not produce vitamin C or
lysine and, therefore, is dependent on an
Currently, medical research is being driven
by the share prices of drug companies, not the
health needs of people. The implementation
of natural health and Cellular Health princi-
ples saves billions in health care costs. These
billions in savings should be reinvested into
further research in natural health. It is a fact
that many more diseases are connected to cel-
There is one difference worth noting. Centuries
ago, wars were fought with pitchforks and muskets
Today they are fought with weapons of mass
destruction including nuclear weapons.
Millions of people living today in America
and in every other country of the world have
to make a decision: Do we really want this to
happen? If not, the time to act is now !
With the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical investment industry as the largest corpo-
rate benefactor behind the current ‘war on terrorism’ revealed and in broad daylight for
the world to see, what are the options left for this interest group? When the first nuclear
or biological weapons detonate - who will be blamed? Who will accept the arguments that
civil liberties need to be abandoned and press freedom abolished?
This interest group and its political stake holders have to realize: Whatever they do now - includ-
ing any military action -
their goal is now publicly exposed and can no longer be achieved.
All of us, the people of America, the people of the world now have the great opportunity
and responsibility to help build a healthier and more peaceful world. Now its up to us !
“The Time to Protect Our Health and Our Lives Is Now!”
Matthias Rath, M.D.
More Information: www.dr-rath-health-foundation.org
We Are No Longer Willing
Diseases Instead of Treatment of
Optimum Connective Tissue
Stability of Bone Tissue.
People’s Right to Natural Health.
and Education Is the Key to Health.
Ban the Pharmaceutical
Optimum Connective Tissue
Stability of Soft Tissues.
Natural Health Is a Cornerstone
of a New Health Care System.
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