english02- Medycyna komórkowa, Zdrowie, MEDYCYNA KOMÓRKOWA
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Mr. Bush -
This War Is Not a Sign of Strength,
But of Desperation!
Open Letter by Matthias Rath, M.D.
to US-President George Bush
and to the People of the World!
Dr. Matthias Rath is the physician and scientist who
led the breakthrough in the natural control of cardio-
vascular disease and cancer. He is member of the
New York Academy of Sciences and other renowned
scientific organizations. 10 years ago, the late Dr.
Linus Pauling, recipient of the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry and Peace stated: "Your discoveries are
so important for millions of people that they threaten
entire industries.
One day there may even be wars
just to prevent this breakthrough from being
widely accepted. This is the time, when you need
to stand up!" - This time is now.-
“As the physician and scientist who was privileged to contribute discoveries that make the erad-
ication of cardiovascular disease by natural means possible and save millions of lives, I am ask-
ing you: could it be that this war is not about fighting 'terrorism' or conquering oil fields but
about protecting the largest investment industry - the pharmaceutical industry - from collapse?
waking up to the fact that the
pharmaceutical industry is an invest-
ment industry based on the continua-
tion of diseases.
The survival of the pharmaceutical
investment industry is threatened by
four main factors:
Unsolvable business conflict. The
September 11, 2001. On this day
global attention shifted away from the
crisis facing this industry.
Since then, the main goal of the Bush
administrations has become to secure
the survival of the pharmaceutical
industry through:
Attempts to overcome the unsolv-
able scientific conflicts. The Bush
administration is spearheading an
international effort by the pharmaceu-
tical industry to outlaw natural health
therapies world-wide by abusing the
United Nations ‘Codex Alimentarius’
(food standards) commission.
Attempts to overcome the unsolv-
able ethical conflicts. The recent
‘relief’ program for fighting AIDS in
developing countries is a 15 billion
Dollar subsidy program for drug mak-
ers. While neglecting effective natural
therapies to fight immune deficiencies
this plan maintains the economic
dependency on drug companies.
Attempts to overcome the unsolv-
able legalconflicts. A key provision
of the ‘Homeland Security Act’ grants
immunity to the pharmaceutical com-
panies for present and future product
liability claims for vaccines. Further
plans for ‘medical litigation reform’
include limiting product liability law-
suits against drug companies.
Attempts to overcome the unsolv-
able business conflict. This conflict
cannot be solved because it would
destroy the very nature of the pharma-
ceutical “business with disease”.
The only option for this industry’s sur-
vival are protectionist laws that artifi-
cially maintain control of the pharma-
ceutical investment business and its
global health monopoly.
70 years ago, this week, an event
shocked the world and set the stage for
the last World War. On February 28,
1933 the German parliament building,
the Reichstag, was set on fire.
The official version that ‘terrorists’ had led
the attack was soon questioned abroad.
Today it is a fact that the Reichstagsbrand
was deliberately used as a pretense and that
the ‘empowerment laws’ following this
event had been prepared in advance.
Following the burning of the Reichstag:
• civil rights were abolished,
• empowerment laws were enacted,
including a “Homeland Security Act”
(“Schutz von Heim und Reich”).
The Reichstag-Assault in 1933 provided
the legal platform for 12 years of dicta-
torship and WWII. Its main benefactor
was IG-Farben, the largest European
petro-chemical Cartel seeking control of
the oil and chemical industry worldwide.
nature of the pharmaceutical invest-
ment industry is the ‘business with dis-
ease’. Its basis is the patentability of new
synthetic drugs that merely target symp-
toms but do not eliminate the root cause
of diseases. The continued existence of
diseases and their expansion is a precon-
dition for further growth of this industry.
Prevention and eradication of diseases
undermines the economic basis of this
Unsolvable legal conflicts. A
September 11, 2001
wave of patient litigation against the
deadly side effects of pharmaceutical
drugs threatens to cripple this industry.
An end to this litigation is not in sight,
since drug side effects are the fourth
leading cause of death in the industrial-
ized world
(Journal of the American
Medical Association, April 15, 1998).
Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs kill
more Americans every year than WWII
and the Vietnam War combined.
Unsolvable ethical conflicts.
2,600 innocent people died in this tragedy.
The same number of people die from
side effects of prescription drugs every
t e n days
(Source: JAMA, April 15, 1998)
The pharmaceutical industry faces an
intrinsic conflict between maintaining
profits from patent fees and meeting the
health needs of people. In the developing
countries, the profitability of drugs has
been a major factor contributing to the
spread of AIDS and other epidemics.
Unsolvable scientific conflicts.
maceutical multinational Smith Kline
Beecham (SKB) was Bayer’s global
marketing partner.
Bayer - a century old flagship of the
pharmaceutical industry - and British
SKB - the world's second largest drug
maker - were faced with crippling law-
suits and other devastating economic
Over 7,000 Patients
taking Baycol
from around the world have filed indi-
vidual and class action lawsuits
against these drug companies.
Government authorities
filed crimi-
nal lawsuits against the executives of
these pharmaceutical companies for
gross negligence. These executives
knew about the deadly side effects
while continuing to press for higher
Investors lost billions of dollars
share value, threatening the very sur-
vival of these companies.
he Baycol scandal was only the
Advances in vitamin research, cellu-
lar medicine and natural health allow the
control of today’s most common dis-
eases. These safe, effective and afford-
able natural therapies focus on the pre-
vention and eradication of diseases - not
only the alleviation of symptoms. This
fact and the low profitability of these
non-patentable natural approaches,
threaten the economic base of the phar-
maceutical investment business.
hile many events led up to the
February 28, 1933
- 70 Years Ago -
The German Parliament building, the
Reichstag, was set on fire. This event deliv-
ered the pretense for the transformation of
a democracy into a dictatorship on behalf
of the largest European corporate Cartel.
The war against Iraq is not pri-
marily about fighting ‘terror-
ism’ or conquering oil fields. It is
part of a long-term strategy of
the pharmaceutical/petrochemi-
cal investment groups to create
the psychological state of fear to
maintain global control.
current crisis, none was as
threatening to the survival of the
entire pharmaceutical industry as the
scandal around Bayer’s cholesterol
lowering drug Baycol.
In August 2001 Bayer had to withdraw
its leading new drug Baycol because
more than 50 people had already died
from taking it and more than 6 million
patients were at risk from the deadly
side effects of rhabdomyolysis (dis-
solving of muscle tissue). British phar-
beginning of a ‘domino effect’.
Within weeks many multinational drug
companies were faced with lawsuits
from patients suffering severe side
effects from taking other pharmaceutical
drugs (beta blockers, calcium antago-
nists, estrogen replacement, etc).
In summary, the pharmaceutical
industry was facing the same grim fate
as the tobacco industry, with entire
States and Nations suing these compa-
nies for billions in damages. In August
2001, the end of the pharmaceutical
industry seemed closer than ever.
In the Nuremberg War Tribunal in 1946/47
this Cartel was tried for ‘conquest’, ‘rob-
bery’ and ‘slavery’ and - as a result - it was
dismantled into Bayer, BASF and Hoechst.
This War Tribunal established that with-
out these corporations, World War II
would not have been possible. US-Chief
Prosecutor Telford Taylor stated: “If their
guilt is not brought to the daylight, they
will do even more harm in future genera-
Then and now millions of decent people
are in danger of being mislead by their
own governments. And those who do not
learn the lessons from history are
doomed to live through it again!”
Long term international conflicts,
wars - even the use of weapons of
mass destruction - can be used to
achieve this goal and suppress
any opposition.
This war is not a sign of strength
- but of desperation.
“Mr. Bush, in the name of mankind: Stop This War!“
Matthias Rath,M.D.
More Information: www.dr-rath-health-foundation.org
illions of people worldwide are
ut then everything stopped on
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