english plus 4 workbook, gimnazjum

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//-->crnorro---17lIooqllJOMIU!.I.(IS sewerPlnO!)-.(p.leH leuerSS3"lIdX~ISlI3"AINflcrnOITOOXFORDUNIVERSITYPRESSGreatClarendonStreet, Oxford, OX2 6DP, UnitedKingdomOxford University Pressis adepartment oftheUniversityofOxford,It furthers theUniversity'sobjective of excellence in research,scholarship,and education by publishing worldwide, Oxfordisaregistered trademark of Oxford UniversityPressin the UK andincertain other countries©Oxford University Press 2011Themoral rightsof the authorhavebeen assertedFirst published in 2011201520142013 2012201110 9 8 7 6 5 432 1No unauthorized photocopyingAllrightsreserved. No partofthispublicationmaybe reproduced, storedin aretrievalsystem, ortransmitted,in anyformor by any means, withoutthe prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expresslypermittedby law,by licence or under terms agreedwiththe appropriatereprographics rights organization. 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Oxforddisclaimsanyresponsibility for thematerialscontainedin any third party website referencedinthisworkISBN:ISBN:ISBN:978019474863697801947488729780194748797WorkbookMultiROMPackPrintedinChinaThisbookis printed on paper fromcertifiedandwell-managedsourcesACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIllustrations by:Dylan Gibson p.40; David Oakley/Arnos Designpp.93,94, 95,96, 97,98;Mark Ruffle p.48.Coverphotographs: Getty(hikersreading amap{TylerStablefordjRiser),(sightseeingat the Louvre/Rayman/Photodisc);iStockphoto(studying on alaptop/deanm1974); Oxford University Press(teencouple with magazine/Rubberball).Thepublisherwouldliketo thank the followingfortheir permission toreproduce photographs:AlamyImages pp.6 (mountain bikerS/Ai Churcher),10(teenwithdriving licence/WoodyStock),21(worriedgirl/DavidJ. 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Use the correct form of the verbs....*Life at boardinl school4e: ____money5w ____TV2'**Mei-li is a student at an international boardingschool near Farnham in the UK.'It's a busy life and there's no time for studentstogetbored.My day starts at around 6.30from Monday to Friday.' says Mei-li. 'ButSaturdays and Sundays are easier because I_____ - usually at about 10 o'clock.'She has breakfast at 7.15 and then she usually._____. 'I often go for a quick run.' shesays.She has lessons until 3.30 in the afternoon,with an hour for lunch. Then she starts doingher homework.'Afterthat we can do what wewant.' smiles Mei-li.'13to my familyin China on my mobile phone. I can tell themabout my day.'She has a computer in her room and she often4_she likes the BBC website a lot.She also5from the internet. 'I'vegot thousands of songs on my mp3 player now!'In the holidays, Mei-li goes home to China. 'Forthe first week, I don't go out much. I_____ and17talking to myfamily.'Complete the sentences with the wordsin the box. Then match sentences 1-6 withplaces a-f.(exams1-a-teboreddoearntime)Ivan is very lazy. He always gets uplate.__d2 You should study more if you wantto passthe!_3 I'd love to buy these jeans. I need to_____ some money._4 This film is really long and very slow. I'mgetting _ _ _ __5 Don't just spendsunbathing.Come in the sea with us!_6 If you wanttoexercise, whydon't you go for a ru n? _a at the cinemab in the parkc at schoolcl--at-RBffi-ee at the beachf at the shops4•Starter unit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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