faa-h-8083-3a-4of7, FSX, FAA

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Ch 07.qxd 5/7/04 7:54 AM Page 7-1
Just as roads and streets are needed in order to utilize
automobiles, airports or airstrips are needed to utilize
airplanes. Every flight begins and ends at an airport or
other suitable landing field. For that reason, it is
essential that the pilot learn the traffic rules, traffic
procedures, and traffic pattern layouts that may be in
use at various airports.
right, the pilot should make all turns in the pattern to
the left.
When operating at an airport with an operating control
tower, the pilot receives, by radio, a clearance to
approach or depart, as well as pertinent information
about the traffic pattern. If there is not a control tower,
it is the pilot’s responsibility to determine the direction
of the traffic pattern, to comply with the appropriate
traffic rules, and to display common courtesy toward
other pilots operating in the area.
When an automobile is driven on congested city streets,
it can be brought to a stop to give way to conflicting traf-
fic; however, an airplane can only be slowed down.
Consequently, specific traffic patterns and traffic control
procedures have been established at designated airports.
The traffic patterns provide specific routes for takeoffs,
departures, arrivals, and landings. The exact nature of
each airport traffic pattern is dependent on the runway in
use, wind conditions, obstructions, and other factors.
The pilot is not expected to have extensive knowledge
of all traffic patterns at all airports, but if the pilot is
familiar with the basic rectangular pattern, it will be
easy to make proper approaches and departures from
most airports, regardless of whether they have control
towers. At airports with operating control towers, the
tower operator may instruct pilots to enter the traffic
pattern at any point or to make a straight-in approach
without flying the usual rectangular pattern. Many
other deviations are possible if the tower operator and
the pilot work together in an effort to keep traffic
moving smoothly. Jets or heavy airplanes will
frequently be flying wider and/or higher patterns than
lighter airplanes, and in many cases will make a
straight-in approach for landing.
Control towers and radar facilities provide a means of
adjusting the flow of arriving and departing aircraft,
and render assistance to pilots in busy terminal areas.
Airport lighting and runway marking systems are used
frequently to alert pilots to abnormal conditions and
hazards, so arrivals and departures can be made safely.
Airports vary in complexity from small grass or sod
strips to major terminals having many paved runways
and taxiways. Regardless of the type of airport, the
pilot must know and abide by the rules and general
operating procedures applicable to the airport being
used. These rules and procedures are based not only on
logic or common sense, but also on courtesy, and their
objective is to keep air traffic moving with maximum
safety and efficiency. The use of any traffic pattern,
service, or procedure does not alter the responsibility
of pilots to see and avoid other aircraft.
Compliance with the basic rectangular traffic pattern
reduces the possibility of conflicts at airports without
an operating control tower. It is imperative that the pilot
form the habit of exercising constant vigilance in the
vicinity of airports even though the air traffic appears
to be light.
The standard rectangular traffic pattern is illustrated in
figure 7-1 (on next page). The traffic pattern altitude is
usually 1,000 feet above the elevation of the airport sur-
face. The use of a common altitude at a given airport is the
key factor in minimizing the risk of collisions at airports
without operating control towers.
To assure that air traffic flows into and out of an airport
in an orderly manner, an airport traffic pattern is estab-
lished appropriate to the local conditions, including the
direction and placement of the pattern, the altitude to
be flown, and the procedures for entering and leaving
the pattern. Unless the airport displays approved visual
markings indicating that turns should be made to the
It is recommended that while operating in the traffic
pattern at an airport without an operating control
tower the pilot maintain an airspeed that conforms
with the limits established by Title 14 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91 for such an air-
port: no more than 200 knots (230 miles per hour
(m.p.h.)). In any case, the speed should be adjusted,
Ch 07.qxd 5/7/04 7:54 AM Page 7-2
Figure 7-1. Traffic patterns.
Ch 07.qxd 5/7/04 7:54 AM Page 7-3
when practicable, so that it is compatible with the
speed of other airplanes in the pattern.
approximately 1/2 to 1 mile out from the landing run-
way, and at the specified traffic pattern altitude.
During this leg, the before landing check should be
completed and the landing gear extended if
retractable. Pattern altitude should be maintained
until abeam the approach end of the landing runway.
At this point, power should be reduced and a descent
begun. The downwind leg continues past a point
abeam the approach end of the runway to a point
approximately 45° from the approach end of the run-
way, and a medium bank turn is made onto the base
When entering the traffic pattern at an airport without
an operating control tower, inbound pilots are expected
to observe other aircraft already in the pattern and to
conform to the traffic pattern in use. If other aircraft
are not in the pattern, then traffic indicators on the
ground and wind indicators must be checked to deter-
mine which runway and traffic pattern direction should
be used. [Figure 7-2] Many airports have L-shaped
traffic pattern indicators displayed with a segmented
circle adjacent to the runway. The short member of the
L shows the direction in which the traffic pattern turns
should be made when using the runway parallel to the
long member. These indicators should be checked
while at a distance well away from any pattern that
might be in use, or while at a safe height well above
generally used pattern altitudes. When the proper traf-
fic pattern direction has been determined, the pilot
should then proceed to a point well clear of the pattern
before descending to the pattern altitude.
The base leg is the transitional part of the traffic pat-
tern between the downwind leg and the final approach
leg. Depending on the wind condition, it is established
at a sufficient distance from the approach end of the
landing runway to permit a gradual descent to the
intended touchdown point. The ground track of the air-
plane while on the base leg should be perpendicular to
the extended centerline of the landing runway,
although the longitudinal axis of the airplane may not
be aligned with the ground track when it is necessary
to turn into the wind to counteract drift. While on the
base leg, the pilot must ensure, before turning onto the
final approach, that there is no danger of colliding with
another aircraft that may be already on the final
When approaching an airport for landing, the traffic pat-
tern should be entered at a 45° angle to the downwind
leg, headed toward a point abeam of the midpoint of the
runway to be used for landing. Arriving airplanes should
be at the proper traffic pattern altitude before entering
the pattern, and should stay clear of the traffic flow until
established on the entry leg. Entries into traffic patterns
while descending create specific collision hazards and
should always be avoided.
The final approach leg is a descending flightpath start-
ing from the completion of the base-to-final turn and
extending to the point of touchdown. This is probably
the most important leg of the entire pattern, because
here the pilot’s judgment and procedures must be the
sharpest to accurately control the airspeed and descent
angle while approaching the intended touchdown
The entry leg should be of sufficient length to provide
a clear view of the entire traffic pattern, and to allow
the pilot adequate time for planning the intended path
in the pattern and the landing approach.
The downwind leg is a course flown parallel to the
landing runway, but in a direction opposite to the
intended landing direction. This leg should be
As stipulated in 14 CFR part 91, aircraft while on
final approach to land or while landing, have the
right-of-way over other aircraft in flight or operating
on the surface. When two or more aircraft are
approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the
aircraft at the lower altitude has the right-of-way.
Pilots should not take advantage of this rule to cut in
front of another aircraft that is on final approach to
land, or to overtake that aircraft.
Segmented Circle
The upwind leg is a course flown parallel to the land-
ing runway, but in the same direction to the intended
landing direction. The upwind leg continues past a
point abeam of the departure end of the runway to
where a medium bank 90° turn is made onto the
crosswind leg.
Tr affic Pattern Indicator
(indicates location of base leg)
The upwind leg is also the transitional part of the traf-
fic pattern when on the final approach and a go-around
is initiated and climb attitude is established. When a
Figure 7-2. Traffic pattern indicators.
Ch 07.qxd 5/7/04 7:54 AM Page 7-4
safe altitude is attained, the pilot should commence a
shallow bank turn to the upwind side of the airport.
This will allow better visibility of the runway for
departing aircraft.
a right-hand traffic pattern) beyond the departure end
of the runway after reaching pattern altitude.
The crosswind leg is the part of the rectangular pattern
that is horizontally perpendicular to the extended cen-
terline of the takeoff runway and is entered by making
approximately a 90° turn from the upwind leg. On the
crosswind leg, the airplane proceeds to the downwind
leg position.
The departure leg of the rectangular pattern is a
straight course aligned with, and leading from, the
takeoff runway. This leg begins at the point the air-
plane leaves the ground and continues until the 90°
turn onto the crosswind leg is started.
Since in most cases the takeoff is made into the wind,
the wind will now be approximately perpendicular to
the airplane’s flightpath. As a result, the airplane will
have to be turned or headed slightly into the wind
while on the crosswind leg to maintain a ground track
that is perpendicular to the runway centerline exten-
On the departure leg after takeoff, the pilot should con-
tinue climbing straight ahead, and, if remaining in the
traffic pattern, commence a turn to the crosswind leg
beyond the departure end of the runway within 300 feet
of pattern altitude. If departing the traffic pattern, con-
tinue straight out or exit with a 45° turn (to the left
when in a left-hand traffic pattern; to the right when in
Additional information on airport operations can be
found in the
Aeronautical Information Manual
Ch 08.qxd 5/7/04 8:08 AM Page 8-1
A normal approach and landing involves the use of
procedures for what is considered a normal situation;
that is, when engine power is available, the wind is
light or the final approach is made directly into the
wind, the final approach path has no obstacles, and the
landing surface is firm and of ample length to
gradually bring the airplane to a stop. The selected
landing point should be beyond the runway’s approach
threshold but within the first one-third portion of
the runway.
The factors involved and the procedures described for
the normal approach and landing also have applications
to the other-than-normal approaches and landings
which are discussed later in this chapter. This being the
case, the principles of normal operations are explained
first and must be understood before proceeding to the
more complex operations. So that the pilot may better
understand the factors that will influence judgment and
procedures, that last part of the approach pattern and
the actual landing will be divided into five phases:
base leg, the final approach, the roundout, the
the after-landing roll
It must be remembered that the manufacturer’s
recommended procedures, including airplane
configuration and airspeeds, and other information
relevant to approaches and landings in a specific make
and model airplane are contained in the FAA-approved
Airplane Flight Manual and/or Pilot’s Operating
Handbook (AFM/POH) for that airplane. If any of the
information in this chapter differs from the airplane
manufacturer’s recommendations as contained in
the AFM/POH, the airplane manufacturer’s
recommendations take precedence.
The placement of the base leg is one of the more
important judgments made by the pilot in any landing
approach. [Figure 8-1] The pilot must accurately judge
the altitude and distance from which a gradual descent
will result in landing at the desired spot. The distance
will depend on the altitude of the base leg, the effect of
wind, and the amount of wing flaps used. When there is
a strong wind on final approach or the flaps will be
used to produce a steep angle of descent, the base leg
must be positioned closer to the approach end of the
runway than would be required with a light wind or no
Figure 8-1. Base leg and final approach.
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