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//-->KOD UCZNIAKONKURS JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGODLA UCZNIÓW GIMNAZJÓWIII ETAP WOJEWÓDZKI1 lutego 2014WaŜne informacje:1. Masz 120 minut na rozwiązanie wszystkich zadań.2. Pisz długopisem lub piórem, nie uŜywaj ołówka ani korektora. JeŜeli się pomylisz,przekreśl błąd i napisz odpowiedź ponownie.3. Pisz czytelnie i zamieszczaj odpowiedzi w miejscu na to przeznaczonym. Pamiętaj, Ŝezapisy w brudnopisie nie podlegają ocenie.śyczymy powodzenia!Maksymalna liczba punktówUzyskana liczba punktówPodpis osoby sprawdzającej50100%%Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap wojewódzkiZadanie 1.(7 pkt)Usłyszysz dwukrotnie fragment audycji radiowej. Zaznacz znakiem X w tabeli, którezdania (1-4) są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T – True), które są niezgodne (F – False) orazktóre zawierają informacje niepodane w tekście nagrania (NI – No Information).Następnie uzupełnij kaŜdą lukę (5-7) jednym wyrazem lub liczbą, zgodnie z treściąnagrania.T1.The text mentions an accident where a child was injured whileplaying with a dog.2.The word “surgery” is taken from Greek words meaninghard work.3.Plastic surgeons perform more reconstructive than cosmeticprocedures.4.Teenagers usually decide to undergo plastic surgery to lookdifferent from other people.FNIA5......................................................... is the only technical device used in plastic surgerywhich is mentioned in the text.In 2011, there were6......................................................... cosmetic procedures performed inthe USA.Plastic surgeons can refuse to treat teenagers after7....................................................... them.Zadanie 2.(5 pkt)Przeczytaj poniŜszy tekst. W pierwszej części zadania zdecyduj i zaznacz w tabeliznakiem X, które zdania (1-4) są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T – True), które są niezgodne(F – False) oraz które zawierają informacje niepodane w tekście (NI – No Information).Następnie odpowiedz na pytanie 5., zakreślając literę A, B, C albo D.ProbioticsThe US is known for its multitasking at mealtimes. While other cultures enjoy long, leisurelymeals, Americans head to a lunch meeting, in which a sandwich is accompanied by a pile ofdocuments to read or a laptop with dozens of e-mails that must be answered immediately. Butthat is not the only form of multitasking while eating. Americans are also interested inimproving their health while they eat their favorite foods.2Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap wojewódzkiMarket research has found that people would rather eat food with something healthy in it thantake another vitamin pill, which is why functional foods, or foods with an added health benefit,have become big business. One example of such food is probiotic yoghurt.While a lot of American shoppers may have been attracted to probiotic yoghurts by celebrityspokeswoman Jamie Lee Curtis, they actually have the people of Bulgaria to thank for theirprobiotic products. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian scientist Elie Metchnikoffdetermined that a diet of fermented milk products resulted in a long, healthy life for Bulgarianpeasants. Probiotics became the term for the bacteria that was found in fermented products.Proponents of a probiotic diet say that probiotics are "good" bacteria that are needed in the gut,and that their presence could result in a whole host of health benefits, everything fromreducing lactose intolerance to curing certain kinds of infection. Critics of the probioticmovement, however, say that the evidence just isn't there for these claims, and what's more,even if science did demonstrate the benefits, it would be impossible to add the right amount ofthese bacteria into a food product. So who's right? Should you add probiotic products to yourshopping list, or do they do nothing at all?According to the text,T1.Americans treat eating lunch as a break from multitasking.2.thanks to probiotics people do not spend so much money onhealthy food.3.Metchnikoff believed that Bulgarian peasants owed theirlongevity to the consumption of fermented dairy products.4.probiotics supporters claim that consuming probiotics maylessen the symptoms of lactose intolerance.FNI5.The aim of the text is toA.explain why multitasking while eating is wrong.B.criticise people consuming fermented products.C.warn people against the harmful effects of probiotics.D.consider why probiotics are so popular.3Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap wojewódzkiZadanie 3.(5 pkt)Przeczytaj tekst. Do kaŜdego akapitu (1-3) dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A-E). Wpiszodpowiednią literę obok numeru kaŜdego akapitu. Dwa nagłówki zostały podanedodatkowo i nie pasują do Ŝadnego akapitu. Następnie znajdź w tekście wyrazyi wyraŜenia, które odpowiadają definicjom podanym pod tym tekstem (4-8). WyrazynaleŜy wpisać w formie odpowiadającej podanej definicji.A.Giving upB.Positive effectsC.Risks and drawbacksD.Moderation is the keyE.Replacement is not an optionCaffeineDo you know that caffeine is, in fact, a drug? It is defined in such a way because it stimulatesthe central nervous system – it gives most people a temporary energy boost and elevates theirmood. In its natural form, it tastes very bitter. But most caffeinated drinks have gone throughenough processing to camouflage the bitter taste and are drunk by lots of people who don’tlike coffee.1. _____Many people feel that caffeine increases their mental alertness. However, caffeine can alsocause irritability, dizziness, headaches, and the jitters. It can interfere with normal sleep, causethe body to lose calcium, and that can lead to bone loss over time. Furthermore, caffeine canaggravate certain heart problems and may also interact with some medications or supplements.2. _____Caffeine is usually thought to be safe in reasonable amounts. Experts consider 200-300 mg ofcaffeine a day to be a sensible amount for adults. Teens should try to limit caffeineconsumption to no more than 100 mg of caffeine daily, and kids should get even less, if any atall, to avoid health risks. Caffeine is not stored in the body, but you may feel its effects for upto 6 hours. That is why it is so important not to overdose.3. _____Consuming even as little as 100 mg of caffeine a day can lead a person to become“dependent” on caffeine. This means that someone may develop withdrawal symptoms if heor she quits caffeine suddenly. You can try replacing caffeinated sodas and coffee withcaffeine-free drinks. Options include water, decaffeinated coffee, caffeine-free sodas and teas.At first, you may find yourself feeling tired, but your energy levels will return to normal ina few days. Taking an approach like this can gradually help you wean yourself from caffeine.4Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap wojewódzki4.to move someone or something to a higher, more important level or rank, or make thembetter than before:........................................................5.nervous, worried feelings, especially before an important event:........................................................6.to worsen a situation:7.slowly, over a long period of time:................................................................................................................8.the painful or unpleasant feelings someone has after they have stopped taking a drug thatthey were dependent on:........................................................Zadanie 4.(3 pkt)Przeczytaj poniŜszy tekst. Uzupełnij kaŜdą lukę (1-6) jednym wyrazem, tak abyotrzymać spójny i poprawny językowo tekst. Wymagana jest całkowita poprawnośćortograficzna wpisywanych słów.Making a change in your lifeWhen we were kids our parents told1.________ how to act, what to eat, even when to do ourhomework. But as we start taking charge2.__________ our own lives, many of us decide tomake changes – stuff like eating right, being3.__________ environmentally conscious thanbefore, or doing better in a sport.If you're like most people, the easy part is knowing what change you want to make. Thechallenge is figuring4.__________ how to get there and sticking with it.That's why we've created this application. It helps make goals easier to reach5.__________breaking them down into manageable steps. We also provide examples of how other peoplereached their goals – they did it, and we know you can too! You’ll be surprised6.__________ how easy it is to change your life for the better. Good luck!5
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