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//-->KOD UCZNIAKONKURS JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGODLA UCZNIÓW GIMNAZJÓWII ETAP REJONOWY24 listopada 2012Ważne informacje:1. Masz 90 minut na rozwiązanie wszystkich zadań.2. Pisz długopisem lub piórem, nie używaj ołówka ani korektora. Jeżeli się pomylisz,przekreśl błąd i napisz ponownie.3. Pisz czytelnie i zamieszczaj odpowiedzi w miejscu na to przeznaczonym. Pamiętaj, żezapisy w brudnopisie nie podlegają ocenie.Życzymy powodzenia!Maksymalna liczba punktówUzyskana liczba punktówPodpis osoby sprawdzającej50100%%Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap rejonowyZadanie 1.(6 pkt)Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. W pierwszej części zadania zdecyduj, które zdania (1.1-1.4) sąprawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE). Następnie, w zdaniach 1.5 i 1.6 z opcjiodpowiedzi A, B lub C wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.LacrosseLacrosse, considered to be America's first sport, was born of the North American Indian,christened by the French, and adapted and raised by the Canadians. Modern lacrosse has beenembraced by athletes and enthusiasts of the United States and the British Commonwealth forover a century.The sport of lacrosse is exhilarating, fast-paced and full of action. It is played with a stick, thecrosse, which must be mastered by the player to throw, catch and scoop the ball. The gamerequires and rewards coordination and agility, not brawn. Quickness and speed are two highlyprized qualities in lacrosse.Rooted in Native American religion, lacrosse was often played to resolve conflicts and healthe sick. Ironically, lacrosse also served as a preparation for war. Legend tells of as many as1,000 players per side, from the same or different tribes, who took turns engaging in a violentcontest. Contestants played on a field from one to 15 miles in length, and games sometimeslasted for days. Some tribes used a single pole, tree or rock for a goal, while other tribes hadtwo goalposts through which the ball had to pass. Balls were made out of wood, deerskin,baked clay or stone.Men's and women's lacrosse were played under virtually the same rules, with no protectiveequipment, until the mid-1930s. At that time, men's lacrosse began evolving dramatically,while women's lacrosse continued to remain true to the game's original rules. Men's andwomen's lacrosse remain derivations of the same game today, but are played under differentrules. Women's rules limit stick contact, prohibit body contact and, therefore, require littleprotective equipment. Men's lacrosse rules allow some degree of stick and body contact,although violence is not allowed.Ensuring the safety of participants is a major focus for US Lacrosse and its Sports Scienceand Safety Committee, which researches injury data in the sport and makes recommendationsto make the game as safe as practicable.T1. athletes discovered modern Lacrosse one hundred years ago.Physical strength is one of the most prized qualities in lacrosse.Lacrosse was believed to be a kind of medicine.The main aim of the Sports Science and Safety Committee is to researchinjuries.F1.5.According to legend and historyA.lacrosse was played with enemies during wars.B.certain tribes used baked clay to create a goal.C.lacrosse used to be played with fierceness.2Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap rejonowy1.6.Men's and women's lacrosse rulesA.permit stick contact.B.don’t require protective clothing accessories.C.don’t differ nowadays.Zadanie 2.(4 pkt)Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Do każdej luki (2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj właściwe zdanie (A–F).Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru każdego akapitu. Dwa zdania zostały podanedodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.How to watch a Formula 1 race?1. Familiarise yourself with the schedule. Some races are broadcast live in the early morninghours because of time zone differences.2.1. ___Plan your race day viewing ahead of time.2. Don't watch just the race! Each race is preceded by a practice session and a qualifyinground.2.2. ___Sometimes a driver is penalised for making a mistake during qualifying,resulting in a starting position at the back of the grid.3. Learn the circuit. Each race circuit presents its own challenge.2.3. ___At other times adriver has to make a quick turn at the start of the race or at the end of a long straight.4. Check the weather.2.4. ___Each team arrives with a hard and a soft compound set for usein different weather conditions.A.The programme often features storylines about something relevant to the race.B.The temperature of the race track will affect the choice of tyre.C.A driver experiences more g-force on the ground than a fighter pilot in the sky.D.Race position is determined during the latter.E.Very often, a race will also be shown a few hours after the event.F.Sometimes it is racing on narrow city streets!3Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap rejonowyZadanie 3.(5 pkt)Przyporządkuj do każdej wypowiedzi (3.1.-3.5.) jedną z podanych reakcji (a-f). Jednareakcja podana została dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.3.1. A:Have you heard that Emily’s been fired? Luckily, she’s done an aerobic instructing course.3.2. A:I’ve given her the money for the tickets and told her where to buy them.3.3. A:They were giving away free balls after the match. Didn’t she get one?3.4. A:I didn't tell the main cheerleader to serve me juice.3.5. A:Did she say how much the team shirts are going to cost?a) B.I’m afraid she was too slow off the mark.b) B:So she won't be across the board.c) B:She only gave us a ballpark figure.d) B:She did it off her own bat.e) B.Well, the ball’s in her court now.f) B.So she has another string to her bow.Zadanie 4.(5 pkt)Połącz początki zdań 4.1.-4.5. z ich zakończeniami zaznaczając wybraną opcję A, B lub C.4.1.They say there are cheats in every kind of sport…A.but I haven’t achieved absolute perfection.B.but I do care about fair play.C.but I always play truant.4.2.John Black won his first major tennis tournament...A.though he had audience support.B.despite trying hard.C.while he was still an amateur.4.3.It was worth losing two games…A.and be sure of winning the last one.B.and regret losing the first one.C.and I wish I had done my best to win all of them.4.4.I wanted to be part of a team that made history…A.but I gave up sport before they became world leaders.B.but I was very proud to be part of a winning team.C.but I was too good to win all the matches.4.5.Istill haven’t achieved what …A.I lost during the previous season.B.I set out to do at the start of the season.C.will be the biggest challenge in the coming season.still-sore-over-Team-Skys-broken-Tour-de-France-promise.html4Konkurs języka angielskiego. Etap rejonowyZadanie 5.(8 pkt)Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby znaczyło to samo, co pierwsze, wykorzystując podanywyraz. Użyj od trzech do pięciu wyrazów. Nie zmieniaj formy podanego wyrazu.Wymagana jest całkowita poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.5.1.He spent more time than was necessary on warming up.needHe ............................................................................... much time on warming up.5.2.It was difficult for the swimmer to see the French coast.hardlyThe swimmer .............................................................................. the French coast.5.3.Ihave five swimsuits. Two of them are red.whichI have five swimsuits, ................................................................................ are red.5.4.The machine has just cleaned the ice rink for the hockey players.hadThe hockey players ................................................................ the ice rink cleaned.5.5.Many professional athletes hate it when people observe them during their trainingsessions.observedMany professional athletes .......................................................................... during theirtraining sessions.5.6.He won the race only thanks to his coach’s help.forBut ......................................................................, he wouldn’t have won the race.5.7.They cancelled the match because of the rain.offThe match .............................................................................. because of the rain.5.8.We didn’t expect that Tomasz Majewski would defend his Olympic shot put title.didLittle ................................................................ Tomasz Majewski would defend his Olympicshot put title.5
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