Exploration Accessing WAN Semester 4, CCNA

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Services in a Converged
Accessing the WAN – Chapter 1
Describe how the Cisco Enterprise Composite
Model (ECNM) provides integrated services
over an Enterprise network.
Describe the key WAN technology concepts.
Identify the appropriate WAN technologies to
use when matching ECNM best practices with
typical enterprise requirements for WAN
Describe How ECNM Provides Integrated
Services over an Enterprise Network
Explain the purpose and function of WANs
Describe How ECNM Provides Integrated
Services over an Enterprise Network
Describe the stages of business growth, the
corresponding business requirements for services and
how those requirements are reflected in the
Enterprise’s changing network topology
Describe How ECNM Provides Integrated
Services over an Enterprise Network
Describe the problems with the Hierarchical Design
Model that Cisco's Enterprise Composite Model has
been designed to address
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