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//-->ENGINE MECHANICALSECTIONMODIFICATION NOTICE:ZD engine¼Valve lifter has been changed from a type without shim to a type with adjusting shim.¼Oil pressure switch has been modified. (For Europe and Australia)GIMAEMLCECFECLMTCONTENTSPREPARATION................................................................2Special Service Tools ..................................................2ZDCAMSHAFT.....................................................................3Removal and Installation .............................................3Inspection.....................................................................3VALVE CLEARANCE INSPECTIONS ANDADJUSTMENTS...............................................................5Adjustments .................................................................5TIMING GEAR.................................................................8Removal and Installation .............................................8Removal.......................................................................9Installation..................................................................12CYLINDER HEAD..........................................................16Disassembly and Assembly.......................................16CYLINDER BLOCK.......................................................17Assembly ...................................................................18SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS)..........19Valve ..........................................................................19ATTFPDFARABRSTRSBTHAELSEIDXEM-1PREPARATIONSpecial Service ToolsTool numberTool nameKV101151S0Lifter stopper setkKV101151101Camshaft plierskKV101151202Lifter stopperNT041DescriptionChanging adjusting shimsKV101056S0Ring gear stopperkKV101056301AdapterkKV101056102PlatePreventing crankshaft from rotatingNT617a: 3 (0.12)b: 6.4 (0.252)c: 2.8 (0.110)d: 6.6 (0.260)e: 107 (4.21)f: 14 (0.55)g: 20 (0.79)h: 14 (0.55) dia.Unit: mm (in)Removing gear caseKV10111100Seal cutterNT046WS39930000Tube presserPressing the tube of liquid gasketNT052EM-2CAMSHAFTRemoval and InstallationZDGIMALCECFECLMTATTFPDFASEM350GAInspectionVISUAL INSPECTION OF VALVE LIFTER ANDADJUSTING SHIM¼¼¼Check if surfaces of valve lifter and adjusting shim have anywear or cracks.Replace valve lifter or adjusting shim if necessary.Select the thickness of adjusting shim so that valve clearanceis the standard when replacing. Refer to EM-5, “Adjustments”.RABRSTRSBTSEM160DVALVE LIFTER OUTER DIAMETERMeasure the outer diameter of the valve lifter with a micrometer.Standard: 34.450 - 34.465 mm (1.3563 - 1.3569 in)HAELSEFEM018IDXEM-3CAMSHAFTInspection (Cont’d)LIFTER GUIDE INNER DIAMETERZDMeasure the lifter guide inner diameter of the cylinder head with aninside micrometer.Standard: 34.495 - 34.515 mm (1.3581 - 1.3589 in)PBIC0367EVALVE LIFTER CLEARANCE CALCULATIONSClearance = Lifter guide inner diameter − Valve lifter outer diameterStandard: 0.030 - 0.065 mm (0.0012 - 0.0026 in)If it exceeds the standard value, refer to the outer diameter andinner diameter standard values and replace valve lifter and/or cyl-inder head.EM-4VALVE CLEARANCE INSPECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTSAdjustmentsZDGIMANOTE:Adjust valve clearance while engine is cold.¼Remove the adjusting shim for parts which are outside thespecified valve clearance.1. Remove the spill tube. Refer to “BASIC SERVICE PROCE-DURE” in EC section.LC2. Rotate the crankshaft to face the cam nose for adjusting shimsthat are to be removed upward.3. Thoroughly wipe off engine oil on the upper side of the cylin-der head (for the air gun used in step 7).4. Move the round hole of the adjusting shim to the front with anextra-fine screwdriver or like that.CAUTION:Perform (the above procedure) while camshaft do not contactwith adjusting shim.PBIC0373EECFECLMTATTFPDFARABRSTRSBTFEM029A5. Grip the camshaft with camshaft pliers (SST), then using thecamshaft as a support point, push the adjusting shim downwardto compress the valve spring.CAUTION:Do not damage the camshaft, cylinder head, and the outer cir-cumference of the valve lifter.6. With the valve spring in a compressed state, remove the cam-shaft pliers (SST) by securely setting the outer circumferenceof the valve lifter with the end of the lifter stopper (SST).¼Hold the lifter stopper by hand until the shim is removed.CAUTION:Do not retrieve the camshaft pliers forcefully, as the camshaftwill be damaged.7. Remove the adjusting shim from the valve lifter by blowing airthrough the round hole of the adjusting shim with an air gun.CAUTION:¼When blowing, use goggles to protect your eye.¼To prevent any remaining oil from being blown around,thoroughly wipe the area clean.HAELSEPBIC0374EIDXEM-5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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