faq, Diablo II (bez instalacji)

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D2Loader FAQQ: Where can i download the latest version of d2loader?I will only do updates here and i do not take responsibilityfor files you downloaded from other sites.Q: Can blizzard detect d2loader usage? My battle.net account islost after i used d2loader.A: Can not yet. Do not mail me about the accout stolen. check thesite where you downloaded it.Q: What operation system does d2loader support?A: Only windows system. windows 95,98,NT,2k and XP is tested,no MACsupport and no planning for it now.Q: What version of diablo2 does d2loader support?A: Currently, all diablo2 and diablo2 Lod version from v1.08 is supported.and generally, d2loader will support those versions that even NOT comeout,maybe v1.10, v1.11... for there is few version depended code ind2loader (I have moved those version depended code into plugins and etc.)If a new version of patch out, just upgrade your diablo2 as you normallydo, then TRY start d2loader, if you meet some error, just remove the oldplugins and try again. which will success in most case. If still not,you may need a new version of d2loader.Q: Why i got the error "storm.dll is missing" when i run d2loader?A: The file "storm.dll" comes from diablo2 itself. put the file "Diablo II.exe"into your diablo2 directory and try again.Q: After i start d2loader,why nothing happened?A: Commonly, this is for some necessary game files are missing or d2loaderfailed to initialize properly. make sure all necessary game files isthere and not corrupted, if still not work. try add option "-l" to startd2loader again. the debug message will recorded in file "d2loader.log"and which may help you to find out the problem.Q: I got a error message box "Error decompressing spirit" when i am playing, why?A: You have got some corrput game data files: check those big MPQs.Q: I got the error "Unhandled exception (c0000005)" when i am using d2loader.A: First, remove the d2loader plugins, if still have problem, check the file"d2yymmdd.txt" (yy=year mm=month dd=day) to see which module the erroroccured. if the error is from module "Diablo II.exe", you may reportit as a bug to me. otherwise, contact blizzard for it.Q: How do completely i uninstall d2loader?A: Exit diablo2, deleted the file "Diablo II.exe" or restore it with thebackup. also, you may need to delete the plugins and "d2hack.script"if you have copied them.Notes: actually, the original "Diablo II.exe" simply runs the actuallyexecutable file "game.exe" and popup an message box on error. you mayalways start the original game by executing the file "game.exe" -- in thiscase, no any promption if game.exe failed to start (e.g: cd not insert)Q: How to make d2loader work with other hack programs.A: Commonly, you may use use -title "Diablo II" option when you startd2loader, which will turn diablo2 window title into "Diablo II".(most hack programs use FindWindow to get the games window handle)but this will not work if you are running multiple diablo2 games.only one of them can be searched and apply the hack.If the hack program support to be loaded as a d2loader plugin, thenyou may put the .dll and other necessary files into d2loader plugindirectory. running multiple games is supported in this way.Special notes on mousepad's maphack:maphack from v4.3 is supported to be loaded as a common plugin dll.if you have problem using maphack with d2loader, go mousepad's homepageto get the latest version of maphack.Q: How to add an option to d2loader?A: Go find a windows beginner book, and it will tell you how to.Q: I got the error "Unable to identify verion" when i connect to battle.netA: There is an bug in old version of d2loader which can cause this.download the latest version will ok. if still failed, check yourgame data files.Q: Why if i use d2loader, i can not set loot in hardcore games?A: This is an bug in old version of d2loader and not is fixed.Q: Can i play on battle.net using d2loader without cdkey?A: Can not, you need a valid cdkey if you are playing on blizzard'sofficial battle.net.Q: How can i play diablo2 completely without cd?A: with d2loader, you may always able to play with the backup cd,and if you copy those necessary data files (.MPQ file, e.g:d2music.mpq, d2xtalk.mpq, d2xmusic.mpq ...) into your diablo2directory. you can play without the cd.Q: How can i run multiple diablo2 games at the same time?A: Nothing need to do if you are using d2loader (the old version of d2loaderequired an option -allowmulti which is now removed).Q: How many diablo2 can i run at the same time?A: As much as your system can bear. depended on your physicial memory andCPU speed. anyway, it is not suggested to run more than 4 diablo2in one mahchine, which will always cause big lag.Q: How to play more than one account/character on battle.net at the sametime using one cdkey?A: use option "-multiclient", this is only required for blizzard's officialbattle.net for each cdkey can only login once, see d2-cdkey.txt for detail.Q: Why i can only chat with players in game when i use option "-multiclient"?A: Yes, this is true for the cdkey limitation, you may use the window inchannel to chat.Q: I always failed to join game if i used more than 4 characters at the same time.A: Yes, Only 4 character from the same ip address can play at the same game server.Q: Why i always dropped if i playing multiple character at the same time?A: Using multiple character at the same time required more bandwidth.e.g: a 56.6k modem play more than 2 characters at the same time willcause this.Q: Why i got big lag if i am using "-multiclient" option?A: Firstly, Try run d2loader in window mode ("-w"), secondly. close thewindow with the character in channel. thirdly, upgrade your hardware...diablo2 always eat lots CPU and memory especially in full screen mode.so, you should use "-multiclient" mainly for trade, transfer item,help low-level characters...Q: How do i report the bug of d2loader?A: First, make sure you have read the FAQ and make sure the error is dueto d2loader. then you may send a mail to onlyer@263.net and withthe detail of the error: how the error occured, how to repeat the error,log files(zip into one file) and any other useful information you think.otherwise, your mail may be ignored. 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