expansion-plus-social-media-strategies(1), Inne

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Social Media Strategy
Expansion Plus, Inc.
September 2009
Authored by: Sally Falkow, Principal & Social Media Strategist
Copyright ¨ 2004 Ï 2010 Expansion Plus, Inc.
Table of Contents
Social Media overview
Page 2
Listen to Conversations
Page 3 - 7
Establish Share of Voice
Page 8 - 9
Set Goal/Benchmark
Page 10 - 12
Find Bloggers and Communities
Page 13 - 15
Identify Influencers
Page 16 - 17
Develop a Content Strategy
Page 18 - 19
Pick Tools
Page 20 - 21
Create and Deliver the Content
Page 22 - 24
Engage and Facilitate Conversations
Page 25 - 28
Measure Results
Page 29 Ï 31
Page 32
Social Media Strategy
Social Media Overview
The social web Ï Web 2.0 Ï has given rise to a new way of marketing: people
are engaged in conversations online and, as
predicted by the Cluetrain Manifesto - markets have
become conversations.
The most trusted form of advertising today is a
recommendation from another person Ójust like me.Ô
Tapping into these conversations shows where your
audience is spending time online and what subjects
and issues are of interest to them.
Based on todayÔs ever-changing marketplace,
companies can no longer just issue information to the
media in hopes that they share our clientsÔ stories with
the public. A recent prediction from Forrester
Research is that within two years, half of all U.S. newspapers will have ceased
By 2010 82% of all companies will be using social media marketing and their
biggest barrier to success in this new medium is a lack of knowledge.
To reach your publics successfully you need to start telling your stories directly,
and do it in a way that sparks conversations.
The value proposition of Social Media (Web 2.0) or online PR is:
Sustained conversations that shape perceptions.
Social Media Strategy Ï E+ Whitepaper | September 2009
Listen to the Online Conversation
For the past 100 years companies have had the luxury of deciding what they will
produce and sell, what their brand message will be and how they will deliver it
to their audience.
The Internet changed that.
WeÔre in the age of social media marketing. Strategy in this new business
environment is just as vital as it has ever been. DonÔt get distracted by the slew
of new social media tools or lured into spending resources just because
Ñeveryone is on Twitter.Ò
Social media offers you the opportunity of doing in-depth research at virtually
no cost. It is possible to set goals and get ROI, but you have to know where
youÔre going and what you want to achieve. Tap into the online conversations
to find out:

who is talking about you

what they are saying

is it positive or negative

where are the conversations taking place

what communities talk about you

what are your competitors doing in social media

whatÔs the buzz about them

what content resonates with your audience

are there subjects of interest you could provide content for

what social sites have the most conversation

who are the Ñfire-startersÒ you need to connect with

who are the influencers in these blogs or communities

where are the opportunities and threats
Once you have this information you can allocate your resources wisely. YouÔll
know where to start and what social sites you should be concentrating on.
When you know the lay of the land itÔs much easier to plot a path to your
destination. A social media marketing strategy is your roadmap.
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