eng, Gry PC
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<<begin_lower_char = aend_lower_char = zbegin_upper_char = Aend_upper_char = Zstart_caption = Starttest_caption = Tryb wolnyoptions_caption = Opcjetrophyroom_caption = Trofeachange_player = Zmień graczacredits_caption = Autorzyhelp_caption = Pomocexit_caption = Wyjścieback_caption = Wróćok_caption = OKstart_game = Startmusics = Musicfullscreen_caption = Pełny ekranwindowed_caption = Gra w oknievsync = Synchronizacja pionowanew_profile_caption = Nowydelete_profile_caption = Usuńmusic_on = Muzyka WŁĄCZmusic_off = Muzyka WYŁĄCZsound_on = Tło WŁĄCZsound_off = Tło WYŁĄCZversion = (by racjonalizator)level_complete = Poziom zakończony!your_time = Twój czastrophy_time = Czas trofeumrecord_time = Rekordowy czasgot_trophy = Wygrałeś trofeum!got_record = Rekord poziomucursor_on_caption = Kursor gry WŁĄCZcursor_off_caption = Kursor gry WYŁĄCZcheatmodeon = Cheat mode activated!cheatmodeoff = Cheat mode deactivated!editoron = Edit mode activated!editoroff = Edit mode deactivated!set_volume_caption = Głośnośćsound_volume = Głośność tłamusic_volume = Głośność muzykilanguages_caption = Wybierz języklang_rus_caption = Русскийlang_eng_caption = POLSKIlang_fra_caption = FRANÇAISlang_ita_caption = ITALIANOlang_deu_caption = DEUCHlang_spa_caption = ESPAÑOLchange_player_label = Zmień graczaok = OKcancel = ANULUJyes = Takno = Niegame_saved = Gra Zapisana!game_loaded = Ładowanie zakończone.question_save_game = Zapisać aktualną grę?question_load_game = Załadować ostatni stan gry?question_exit_game = Czy na pewno chcesz wyjść z gry?question_replay_game = Czy chcesz powtórzyć ten poziom?question_end_game = Czy chcesz wyjść do menu głównego?question_saveandexit_game = Zapisać grę przed wyjściem?question_delete_profile = Czy chcesz skasować gracza %s?tasks = Zadaniamainmenu = Menucontinue_caption = Kontynuujrestart_caption = Powtórzexitgame_caption = Wyjdźprofit_hint = Zarobiłeś %i monet.current_task = Bierzące zadanieclick_to_continue = KONTYNUUJpatent_buy_confirm = Czy na pewno chcesz umieścić to w tym miejscu?notify_you_cant_place = Niemożesz tego tu postawić!notify_you_cant_gowhere = Nie możesz tam iść!control_help_1 = Lewy przycisk myszy kontroluje postać, podczas gdy prawy przycisk myszy anuluje wszystkie polecenia. Klawisze strzałek przesuwają plansze.control_help_2 = Jedno kliknięcie wykonuje podstawowy ruch, a podwójne kliknięcie spowoduje kopanie grządki lub odłożenie określonego obiektu.text_enter_name = Wpisz swoje imięwelcome_message = Witaj,dig_squares = Wykop polewater_plants = Podlej roślinymenu_time = Czas:menu_best_time = Najlepszy:level1_name = Poziom 1level2_name = Poziom 2level3_name = Poziom 3level4_name = Poziom 4level5_name = Poziom 5level6_name = Poziom 6level7_name = Poziom 7level8_name = Poziom 8level9_name = Poziom 9level10_name = Poziom 10level11_name = Poziom 11level12_name = Poziom 12level13_name = Poziom 13level14_name = Poziom 14level15_name = Poziom 15level16_name = Poziom 16level17_name = Poziom 17level18_name = Poziom 18level19_name = Poziom 19level20_name = Poziom 20level21_name = Poziom 21level22_name = Rok 1983level23_name = Poziom 23level24_name = Poziom 24leveltest_name = Freedom!level1_description = Deserted Farmlevel2_description = Lambslevel3_description = Night Raidlevel4_description = Marshlandlevel5_description = Down with the Factorylevel6_description = Winter Gardenlevel7_description = At the Edge of the Worldlevel8_description = An Unexpected Turn of Eventslevel9_description = Unemployment in the Desertlevel10_description = Hot Weather and Devastationlevel11_description = Double Whammylevel12_description = S.O.S.level13_description = Darkness is Fallinglevel14_description = Spy Gameslevel15_description = Big Droughtlevel16_description = Secret Forestlevel17_description = Irrigationlevel18_description = North Windlevel19_description = Defrostinglevel20_description = Behind Enemy Lineslevel21_description = Thundercloudslevel22_description = Freudian Memorieslevel23_description = The Last Order of Businesslevel24_description = Magic Mushroomstrophy_announce_header = Wygrałeś trofeum!trophy_hint1 = With its titanium-covered spade and a mahogany handle, this shovel is too beautiful to dig with.trophy_hint2 = This VIP card will get you a discount on goods sold by the Miracle Cucumber Company.trophy_hint3 = This bright, reliable flashlight is the biggest help (and sometimes, a participant) in Ginger's night adventures.trophy_hint4 = A statue of Ganesha, the Hindu god of overcoming obstacles.trophy_hint5 = A gear from the remains of the factory Ginger ruined. Let this trophy be a warning to any factory that dares to stand in our way!trophy_hint6 = This umbrella is plain and unremarkable. Nevertheless, it is a priceless trophy for anyone who gets caught in the rain.trophy_hint7 = A golden wrench. It might not be good for "monkeying" around, but it's good for loosening magic screws.trophy_hint8 = A newspaper with headline "Robbery of the Year! Thief Escapes with all of Ginger Argonovich's Money!", autographed by the police commissioner.trophy_hint9 = A newspaper with good news: "Thief Caught! Money Returned to Rightful Owner!"trophy_hint10 = The sand in this hourglass never runs out. Is it magic, or just super glue?trophy_hint11 = Professor Ravan thinks that Ginger resembles Winston Churchill in this photograph. Not because she looks like him, but because she is showing her oratory zeal.trophy_hint12 = A model of the airplane that rescued Ginger from the deserted island. It's 50 times smaller, cleaner and newer than the original.trophy_hint13 = An antique lamp is a symbolic award for achieving victory over electricity. Also, it is very convenient to darn socks by its light.trophy_hint14 = The latest mobile phone - beautiful, functional, and terribly expensive. Without the phone charger, it is completely useless.trophy_hint15 = Echinopsis Lageniformis. Or simply put, a cactus. A dear memory, and very thorny.trophy_hint16 = A map showing the location of Agronovich's former prison. It smells faintly of exotic fruit juice.trophy_hint17 = Pritchardia affinis, a rare Hawaiian palm tree. It is an endangered species.trophy_hint18 = A snow globe - a not-so-frozen souvenir from the North.trophy_hint19 = A powerful electric heater. You can never be too warm!trophy_hint20 = A photograph of Ginger's parents.trophy_hint21 = A resonant transformer made with a Tesla coil. This cute little toy can have up to 10,000 volts flowing through it!trophy_hint22 = A photograph of Ginger's real parents.trophy_hint23 = A souvenir to remember the office by - the company's stapler!trophy_hint24 = "To my student who has achieved enlightenment": a modest gift from Iko Sepuko.trophy_hint25 = Congratulations! You have received a crystal ball for successfully completing the game.level_not_finished = Nie przeszedłeś tego poziomu.level_completed = Poziom zakończonylevel_completed_with_trophy = Nagrody za prace!level_time = Czaslevel_money = Monetybest_time = Rekordowy czas:best_money = Maksymalna ilość monet:inventory_tab = NARZĘDZIAbuildings_tab = BUDYNKIseeds_tab = NASIONAsprouts_tab = KIEŁKItrees_tab = DRZEWAworkers_tab = PRACOWNICYdecor_tab = KRAJOBRAZseed_aubergine = Bakłażanyseed_beetroot = Burakiseed_cabbage = Kapustaseed_carrot = Marchewkiseed_corn = Kukurydzaseed_cucumber = Ogórkiseed_dahlia = Dalieseed_mushroom = Grzybyseed_pepper = Paprykaseed_pumpkin = Dyniaseed_radish = Rzodkiewkiseed_strawberries = Truskawkiseed_sunflower = Słonecznikiseed_tomato = Pomidoryseed_tulip = Tulipanyseed_watermelon = Arbuzytask_separator = dotask_sow = roślinatask_sell = sprzedajtask_fertilize = nawóztask_buy = kuptask_place_watercan = Kup konewkęwater_sprinkler = spryskiwacztime = Czashouse_chicken_product = Jajkahouse_cow_product = Mlekohouse_pig_product = Prosiehouse_sheep_product = Wełnabeehive_product = Miódhouse_chicken = Kurza farmahouse_cow = Oborahouse_pig = Chlewhouse_sheep = Owczarniahangar_refrigerator = Chłodniahangar_flowers = Szklarniabeehive = Ulhelper = Ogrodnikharvester = Zbieracznotify_nothing_to_bulldoze = Nie ma tu nic do zburzenia!patent_for_tulip = Zamów bulwy tulipanów. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić bulwy tulipanów w sklepie.patent_for_dahlia = Zamów bulwy dali. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić bulwy dali w sklepie.patent_for_sunflower = Zamów nasiona słonecznika. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić nasiona słonecznika w sklepie.patent_for_cucumber = Zamów nasiona ogórka. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić nasiona ogórka w sklepie.patent_for_tomato = Zamów nasiona pomidora. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić nasiona pomidora w sklepie.patent_for_aubergine = Zamów nasiona bakłażanów. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić nasiona bakłażanów w sklepie.patent_for_pepper = Zamów nasiona papryki. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić nasiona papryki w sklepie.patent_for_watermelon = Zamów nasiona arbuza. Gdy dotrze zamówienie można kupić nasiona arbuza w sklepie.patent_for_hangar_flowers = Wybuduj szklarniępatent_for_beehive = Licencja pszczelarstwapatent_for_cabbage = Zamów nasiona ...
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